Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rainbows and butterflies...

I can sometimes be a bit sarcastic with my use of this phrase, "rainbows and butterflies", but in this case, rainbows and butterflies refers to my childhood. My childhood was filled with wonderful memories that make me giddy with happiness.
My rainbows and butterflies started young...isn't this school picture amazing?!?!? wow. There are too many things to comment on...As a teacher, I have an even greater appreciation for what makes childhood special. Many of my students struggle with basic needs being met, so for me, holding my childhood memories close and precious is truly a miracle.

I grew up with 2 brothers and I am the middle child. I'm sorry to all other birth order combinations out there, but being the only girl and in the middle is the only place to be. I wouldn't have wanted my best friends to be anyone else but my brothers.

Part of this blog inspiration is my younger brother Nathan...he is moving to Italy later this month. (!!) I am so happy for him and it makes our childhood memories that much more special.
My older brother Jeff, who inspires me to keep that sense of humor, it's critical.

I got to see my brothers and parents this week and we spent the better half of our time recalling all the greatness that was our childhood. We grew up in Evergreen, CO--a virtual paradise where pine trees, creeks, rocks, and dirt roads were our castles and playgrounds.

Our own private castle called "Mt Evans" :)

If we were "stuck inside" we would play records and act out the songs and call them our 'programs' and 'sell' tickets. One of our favorites was our rendition of The Muppet Movie. Our crowd pleasers were The Rainbow Connection and Movin' Right Along.

As I found myself singing these songs and laughing about all the things we used to do with my brothers this week, I knew that the rainbows and butterflies of my childhood have made me who I am. I am so very grateful for the many miracles that shaped me, one rainbow connection at a time.

1 comment:

  1. What happy memories you have as a child. Every day I feel blessed to have had such an amazing life...teaching students who are not so lucky magnifies the miracle this is..Your students are lucky to have you in their lives so there is at least one miracle in their childhood too!
