Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Calendar Party!

It's a Calendar Party!
I wrote about the history of  The Calendar Party here and decided to keep up the tradition.
{Never mind that I forgot to do it from June to July...and who knows if I will remember next month...but here I am now! :) }
My month of July has been delightfully lazy relaxing. 

I hung out with the kids

Read a lot and went to pools

Went to lunch with friends

Had lots of drinks dinners with friends

Went to Rapids Games

Survived a garage sale {barely}

Saw my nieces and nephews

Hiked with my best buddy
Stomp, clap, clap, clap, clap, stomp.

And now on to August.
Oh August. 
I sort of  hate dislike you.
There are many reasons why, but this year, I am going to give you a chance.
Since I am back to work, let's make the most of this space, K?

I get to see this girl
And. I .Can't. Wait.

We'll go to Brian's company picnic that will feature his home brew.

Our family will celebrate my baby brother's 40th {!!!!) birthday. 
{He lives in Italy with his wife and so it will be a remote par-tay!}

We hope to go camping, attend more Rapids games, pack fun into the weekends, and enjoy what we can from silly old August.

Stomp, clap, clap, clap, clap, stomp.


  1. August is going to be the best because you're the best! And the kids will still be tired...for at least the first couple of days:)

  2. Haha your July sounds like it was lovely. I'm thinking about having a garage sale...except I live in the middle of no where...poooo.

    August also sound like it will be awesome!

  3. Awwww, kitties! It sounds like you have a great August lined up! :) Have fun, girl!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88
