Thursday, February 2, 2012

Belmont "Bella Boo" Jacobsen-Laniel

This is my sweet Bella Boo.
I got Bella shortly after I moved to Denver and she lived with me, my friend Nancy and Birney in our awesome apartment called the Belmont-Buckingham. We named her Belmont after the apartment's name and it fit her perfectly. She was quirky, sweet and we'll call it "unpredictable" at times. 

Our sweet little Bella was truly little. She weighed only about 6 pounds in her prime and all she did was sleep, purr and beg for treats. She had a meow that sounded a bit like an old lady who smoked her whole life--gravelly and loud--it was one of a kind. Bella was definitely my cat. She really only responded to me and she didn't hide that other people sorta pissed her off. :)
 She got me, and I got her.
Unfortunately, our little Bella wasn't healthy. She was in a lot of pain due to a messed up digestive system.  Last November, Brian and I had to make the ridiculously difficult decision to have her finish her life in Cat Heaven.This decision wrecked me. I'm not sure I have cried such deep, bitter tears in my life. This sort of decision is truly, truly devastating and one that I don't wish upon my worst enemy. But like "they" all say, it was the only decision we could make for her.
My brother gave me a book called Cat Heaven by Cynthia Rylant and there is a page in the book that fits my image of where Bella is right now. She is at top of God's bed, right by his pillow, purring her perfect smokers purr, and sleeping peacefully. And I hope in that sleep she feels my love for her and she knows that she'll always, always be my Bella Boo.
Xoxo my sweet Bella Boo, I'll love you forever. 
July 1, 2005-November 1, 2011



  1. Kari. I had no idea about Bella. I'm so sorry.

  2. I know how hard this has been for you. Your remarkable bond with Bella will never be broken, though!
